Monday, January 21, 2008

Navajo Tacos

Navajo Tacos are definitely one of my childhood favorites, and something my family enjoys now. While in high school, the majority of our games and meets were played on the Indian reservations in northeast Arizona. Fry bread and these tacos are a staple there and are often found among nachos and other game-time fare at the concessions. I'll never forget the kindness shown to us by some sweet women who made our whole volleyball team a dinner of these delicious tacos, knowing that there wasn't any fast food close, and we would be hungry after our games. I use a white bread dough to fry, but it doesn't even come close to their light and tender fry bread.

Bread dough, after one rise, roll into small ovals and deef fry
Pinto beans
Browned ground beef seasoned with onion, taco seasoning/chili powder & cumin
Sour Cream

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